
Sunday 12 August 2012

Bird Restaurant Opening Soon!

The garden team are engaged in a new project to introduce a bird feeding station at Beningbrough, and the American garden has been chosen as the ideal location.

This is because the American garden is an informal, natural setting, having a good mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs providing plenty of cover for birds. The long grass provides a habitat for a wide range of insects, and together with the pond, this makes the American garden very attractive for birdlife.

You may have already noticed that we have roped off an area in the first instance to ensure there is minimum disturbance for the visiting birds. As we have squirrels living on the estate, we have had to select squirrel-proof feeders to protect the food for the birds.

Our aim is to officially open the bird feeding station in the autumn and we have a ‘bird weekend’ in the diary for October 20th & 21st which will involve a number of bird-related activities. We will also be pleased to welcome the RSPB, who will be in attendance over the bird weekend to provide some interpretation to our visitors.

If anyone is interesting in making a donation of bird feed to help towards the running of the bird station (peanuts and seed would be ideal!), please contact Steve Williams (Gardener), or please leave any contributions at reception for Steve to collect.

When you next visit, why not visit the back of the American never know what you might spot!

The garden team


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